Net Add Liquidity

The Net Add Liquidity is an exclusive token indicator developed by Candlestick. It can reflect the real-time add and removal of tokens in the liquidity pool on the decentralized exchange (DEX).

You can access this metric under the Liquidity category.

Metric Explanation


  • Red bars represent the removed amount for liquidity.
  • Green bars show the added amount for liquidity. 


  • The line highlighted in green symbolizes a positive Net Add Amount for Liquidity. 
  • The line colored red represents a negative Net Add Amount for Liquidity.
  • The grey line shows the price movement.

Hidden Features

Hover to check

Hover around to check exact numbers, including price, add amount and $ value, remove amount and $ value, and Net Add Amount for Liquidity and $ value. 

Hide or show

You can hide or show specific parts of the chart by clicking the symbols in the upper right corner.


Switch time

by clicking ‘1D, 3D, 7D, 1M, 3M, 1Y.’

change resolution of liquidity

Change resolution

by clicking ‘5 minutes, 15 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 7 days’

Note: 5-minute, 15-minute, and 1-hour resolutions are available in 1d and 3d time ranges.

1d and 3d timeframes support 5-minute, 15-minute, and 1-hour resolutions. Likewise, 7d, 1M, 3M, and 1Y timeframes support 1-day and 7-days resolutions.

Update data

by clicking the loop arrow.

update liquidity data


by clicking the cross arrow.

Share or download the chart image

by clicking “snapshot.”

smart money liquidity

Switch to the smart money chart

by clicking the “smart money” toggle button.

smart money liquidity
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