Base is Lived on TraderScan! Get You The Latest Best-Performing Addresses on Base!

As requested by our lovely users many times, the much-awaited Base is Lived on TraderScan!

The most comprehensive trade data integrated: 86 DEXs, aggregators, and more.

Every user (existing & new) gets up to 10 top addresses on Base for FREEGet now!

Only 4 Addresses on Base Achieved This: $1M+ Total Profit in 3M with 70% Win Rate

It’s insane!!!!!

BUT, extremely hard indeed!

TraderScan - Scan Addresses' Trading Performance on Base
  • 0x6c95: 8.9x, $5M+ profit from $573K
  • 0x2b5c: 11.6x ROI, $1.5M+ profit
  • 0xeb36: $1M+ profit, 4.6x return

2 of them made this great profit from $DEGEN, both are still holding over 30M $DEGEN in the wallet.

Enhanced Benefits for All Users!

Get an Airdrop of 10 top addresses with $10k profit and 65% win rate from the past month on Ethereum & Base.

FREE for all users. Sign up to get them here.

‘My Watchlist’ addresses doubled for Pro/Alpha members: Pro: 50 -> 100; Alpha: 100 -> 200

Trending - Ethereum, Base, Blast

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