Gain 23.62% During Crypto Market Sink: Capture $RPL Buy Signals

The crypto market retraced on Feb 9.

However, $RPL (Rocket Pool) attracted buys from Stealth MoneySmart Money & Debank Tops.

RPL - Net Buy Value

Stealth Money Bought $RPL

On Feb 9, 3 Stealth Money accumulated $32,979 $RPL btwn $40.56 to $44.86 before the price skyrocketed.

RPL - Stealth Money Trades

Smart Money Bought $RPL

A few hours later, Smart DEX Trader 0x2fcc bought $8K $RPL at $44.38.

His buy price was 9% higher than Stealth Money.

RPL - DEX Trades (Smart Money Mode)

Debank Tops Bought $RPL

Debank Tops also bought in $RPL.

Debank Top address 0x0c1a bought $108K $RPL at $44.03. (8.5% higher buy price than Stealth Money)

RPL - DEX Trades (Debank Tops)

On Feb 10, compared to the buy prices, these traders could get 23.62%+ returns within a day.

How To Identify Stealth Money Trading Oppty?

Candlestick has launched Stealth Money features: 

Follow Stealth Money to get better entry prices than Smart Money.

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