The Whole Story Of Hunting $MOG With Candlestick Smart Money

The whole story of $MOG hunting with Candlestick Smart Money, from the earliest on Jul 20 at 9 zeros to the latest rounds of retrace.

The earliest is on Jul 20 when $MOG was at 9 zeros. Smart DEX Trader 0x22b6 realized 8x.

The first one 😎Smart DEX Trader 0x22b6 aped in at 9 zeros with 0.48 $ETH.

–> turned into 4.49 $ETH in less than a day. 💰8x ROI.

MOG - Live Smart Money Trades. Screenshot captured on Jul 21

Oh, that’s crazy but too hard to capture that so early.

Yes, it does.

Most of the other Candlestick Smart Traders bought at 8 zeros

Screenshot captured on Jul 21

Eg, this 2x plus’ 😎Smart Meme Trader T***.eth bought at $0.0(8)1336 and $0.0(8)3487.

Then three ‘2x plus’ 😎Smart Traders follow-up to buy $MOG too.

These Smart winners are on the $MOG Smart Holders chart.

Successful bottom fishing at $0.0(8)4 - $0.0(8)6 when $MOG dropped from 7 zeros to 8 zeros on Jul 24.

One of them is 😎Pep***.eth – loaded 998B $MOG in retrace.

screenshot captured on Jul 24

Are they newcomers, swing traders, or diamond-hand that never sell yet?

Let’s unveil.

$MOG - Live Smart Money Trades. Screenshot captured on Jul 24

😎Tal***.eth: bottom capture all-win swing trades in $MOG.

He did several swing trades in $MOG (which you can tell from his trades in 7D).

$MOG - Live Smart Money Trades

The latest one is he buy the dip when $MOG retraced to $0.0(7)3, then sold starting from $0.0(7)5 – $0.0(7)6.

4hrs ago, re-bought at $0.0(7)5959, now gaining 68% by now as $MOG killed 1 zero again.

That’s why he is the boy in my ‘bottom capture’ watchlist group.

😎Pep***.eth is a super diamond hand of $MOG.

Only keeps accumulating, with no sell.

The last 7D, in total, bought $30.3K $MOG starting from $0.0(7)4280.👇

Do you think that’s his whole bag?

He holds a bag of 4T $MOG!

$MOG - Smart Money Holders

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