Missed $BLUR Airdrop? Get 188% Profit Via Trading With Candlestick Smart & Stealth Money

Envious of people who have $BLUR airdrop?

Don’t worry. You can still follow Candlestick signals to find trading opportunities.

BLUR - Signals

Smart Money Bought $BLUR

$BLUR attracts 27 Smart Money buyers so far.

Smart Money buy price started from $0.2896.

Current price $0.8342.  +188%

BLUR - DEX Trades (Smart Money Mode)

Large Smart Money buy orders: 71cb bought 296,628 $BLUR. No sell yet

The latest Smart Money buy is at $0.7723 1 hour ago.

BLUR - DEX Trades (Smart Money Mode)

Some Smart Money who got $BLUR from airdrop have sold tokens.

E.g., Machi big brother sold 626,980 $BLUR ($413K). Sell from $0.50 – $0.7299.

BLUR - DEX Trades (Smart Money Mode)

He still holds 888,888 $BLUR.

BLUR - Top Holders (Smart Money Mode)

Stealth Money Bought $BLUR

Stealth Money 9891 bought $624K+ $BLUR.

BLUR - Stealth Money Trades

0x4852 & 0x5c4a are buyers in 2 hrs.

In 24 hrs, Stealth Money Net Buy Vol is $2.19M.

20 $BLUR Stealth Money buyers with $2.52M Buy Vol on DEXs.

7 sellers with $332.77K Sell Vol.

BLUR - Stealth Money Trades

Debank Tops Bought $BLUR

Although the number of Debank Tops sellers (36) exceeds the number of buyers (27), the Net Buy Value is positive. ($1.29M)

1 hr ago, B**.eth accumulated $585K.

Debank Tops 0x3689 was still buying $BLUR.

BLUR - DEX Trades (Debank Tops)

Be Aware Of $BLUR CEX Flow

Large numbers of addresses are transferring tokens to centralized exchanges for selling after receiving the airdrop.

BLUR - Net CEX Outflow

Now the Net Withdraw Value is $-69.33M.


How To Identify Stealth Money Trading Oppty?

Candlestick has launched Stealth Money features: 

Follow Stealth Money to get better entry prices than Smart Money.

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