How To Apply Address Search Feature Across 6 Live Trades?

This must be the most user-friendly and creative design you have ever seen – – Address Search

2 ways to quickly search an address trades:

– hover on the address, you will see the 🔍

– on the title of  “Address”,  there is a 🔍 

Available on

How this small feature will greatly benefit your Alpha trading?

My Wallet Watchlist

Search to know You Wallet Watchlist Smart Traders unsold tokens, –> it may be your opportunit

Eg, My boy super meme hunter 4534 who use $27 to buy $PEPE at 10 zeros and it turned $3M.

Hover on the address to click the , you can see he kept cashing out a lot of memecoins to $WETH.

The first 3 Memes he hasn’t sold yet. Worth to have a check.

Smart Money Trades

Search to get the Smart Money trading list.

Quickly browse his trading record and trading style, –> select the ones that fit you to follow.

Smart Trader f66f (with Three 50x & Ten 10x badge)
– Hover & click the 🔍 

f66f just turned 0.02$ETH into 0.048$ETH in $MARIO.

After re-bought $MARIO 9 hrs ago, he loaded more $MARIO 1h ago.

It is very fast and convenient through the search 🔍  function!

Stealth Money Trades

Search to quickly track if the stealth money keeps loading the same token in the past 7d.

2 steps to help you filter the noise fast:

  • Value filter to filter out the small trades
  • Hover to search the special Stealth Money last 7d’s trades

Eg, Stealth b032
Though he loaded large amount of $LADYS, but he also traded $BOB 3 days ago –> unlikely to be insider trading.

Master the movements

Master the movements of:
Top Holder
– Large volume buyer/sell
– Large liquidity adder/remover

Eg, f1eb removed $112k $PEPE liquidity 21mins ago.

Copy this address to search on $PEPE Live Trades, you will see the full picture:
He sold the removed 96B $PEPE value of $110k $PEPE quickly after liquidity was removed.

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