A war of squeezing CEL liquidity against CEL short is happening among all CEL holders.
Holders of CEL are strategically removing liquidity from brokerages / DeFi in an attempted short-squeeze. The idea is to remove liquidity so CEL-short can’t cover their short positions on time.
Succeed or not? Let’s see 3 data proofs.
CEL Balance on CEX
$CEL CEX balance has kept decreasing since Jun 14.
Top Exchanges Balances Changes
FTX is the one with the most CEL balance drop. 2 million CEL with a value of $1.98M CEL liquidity was removed from FTX in the last 7 days.
But CEL balance on DEX is kind of increasing. Uniswap V3 pool CEL balance +80K CEL tokens.
Net Add Amount for Liquidity
CEL Liquidity Net Add Amount on DEX +119,19% on Jun 21.